How Does Motorhome Insurance Cover My Personal Property?

Motorhome Insurance – Balancing Auto and Home Coverage

Motorhome insurance combines elements of auto and home insurance. While Georgia law mandates motorhome owners to insure their vehicles in line with standard motor vehicle policies, the coverage for interiors and personal property remains optional. Nevertheless, the team at Wichalonis Insurance Agency, serving Cumming, GA, can assist you in navigating these nuances and identifying the right coverage to suit your specific needs.

Mirroring Auto Insurance Policies

Several aspects of motorhome coverage parallel auto insurance policies. In Georgia, motorhomes, much like automobiles, must be insured for a minimum of $25,000 in bodily injury for one person, $50,000 per accident, and $25,000 in property damage per accident. A standard coverage often includes underinsured motorist protection. Other optional coverages akin to auto insurance may encompass:

  • Collision: This covers damage to your vehicle.
  • Comprehensive: This covers losses incurred from incidents like vandalism, hail, and other non-collision-related scenarios.
  • Roadside Assistance: As motorhomes often exceed size limits for regular auto towing packages, adding this coverage can save you from shouldering out-of-pocket expenses when you need a tow.

Motorhome Insurance Mimicking Home Insurance

A motorhome is essentially a mobile home equipped with personal and household items. Therefore, it needs coverage akin to home insurance. Typically, motorhome insurance policies offer a certain degree of personal property coverage. However, the estimated value of items like clothing, satellite dishes, appliances, and computers usually surpass basic personal property limits. Hence, it’s recommended that this coverage be extended.

You may also want to explore other options, such as vacation liability, total loss replacement, and emergency expense coverage. Consulting with your insurance agent can help you find the right mix of coverages to suit your needs.

Paving the Way with Wichalonis Insurance Agency

Navigating the realm of motorhome insurance requires making numerous choices – a task where consulting with a trusted insurance agent can be hugely beneficial. The team at Wichalonis Insurance Agency, committed to serving Cumming, GA, promises to tailor your motorhome and other insurance coverages to fit your unique needs. Contact us today at 678-947-4533 to schedule an appointment.