Can I Lose My Condo if I Don’t Have Insurance?

The Importance of Condo Insurance in Cumming, GA

Buying a condo, much like purchasing a house, necessitates obtaining and maintaining insurance coverage. This coverage protects your unit and covers unforeseen incidents. However, what happens if your Cumming, GA condo insurance lapses or if you fail to secure coverage altogether? Can you potentially lose your condo without insurance coverage? This brief guide has you covered.

The Consequences of Failing to Secure Condo Insurance

Mortgage companies often require home and condo owners to secure insurance coverage for their units. Although this is beneficial to them, it also serves your interests. Should your condo or personal belongings suffer damage, become destroyed, or are vandalized, or should you face legal action due to injuries incurred on your property, insurance coverage protects you. If you lack condo insurance, you may face significant financial burdens when covering damages.

So, while not having condo insurance won’t necessarily result in losing your condo, significant damages could render your unit uninhabitable. If this occurs and you have no insurance or financial means to cover costly repairs, you may need to seek alternative housing. If you seek reliable insurance coverage in the Cumming, GA area, consider Wichalonis Insurance Agency. Offering honesty, quality service, and comprehensive coverage, Wichalonis Insurance Agency can assist with your insurance needs. Contact us for a quote today.

Is Your Vehicle Fully Protected with Comprehensive Auto Insurance?

Are you thinking about extending the limits of your auto liability policy to maximize coverage?

Wichalonis Insurance Agency in Cumming, GA is your trusted insurance partner for safeguarding your journeys along Georgia roads. Drivers seeking full coverage options for protecting their vehicles can get comprehensive insurance coverage for a total driving solution. 

Why Drivers Choose Comprehensive Auto Insurance Over Liability 

Liability insurance offers basic coverage for Georgia drivers. Local area drivers seeking auto insurance coverage that extends beyond accidents get comprehensive coverage. New vehicle owners may be required by their lenders to have comprehensive insurance as part of their purchase agreements. 

Comprehensive insurance coverage acts like a safety net that extends the reach of auto liability insurance policies. Full coverage insurance options provide additional protection for non-collision-related incidents, including theft, vandalism, flooding, natural disasters, and more. 

Still have questions about choosing the best comprehensive policy to meet your needs?

Talk to an agent to learn more about the available full coverage options based on your needs, driving history, and budget. 

Get Comprehensive Auto Insurance in Georgia

Please don’t wait until it’s too late to extend your auto insurance coverage to protect you from unexpected accidents and incidents on the road! Start a new policy by providing your driving information and getting answers to your insurance-related questions from a trusted agent. 

A licensed insurance agent at Wichalonis Insurance Agency can help you and other drivers in your household choose the best options for protecting your financial interests in collision and non-collision-related accidents. 

Contact a licensed insurance agent at Wichalonis for a customized insurance quote, and start your comprehensive auto insurance policy in Georgia today! 

Three Reasons to Buy Condo Insurance This Coming Year

Owning a condo is a big financial responsibility. Making repairs or replacements when disasters happen can be financially challenging. This is why so many condo owners find condo insurance so helpful. At Wichalonis Insurance Agency, serving Cumming, GA, we help condo owners like you find the right condo insurance policy for their needs and budget. Here’s how that can benefit you. 

1. Condo Insurance Pays to Repair or Replace During Covered Events

A condo insurance policy can help with costs associated with the replacement or repair of your personal property and the interior structure of your condo if a covered event occurs. Depending on how much damage has been done during that covered event, your condo insurance policy could help you save hundreds or thousands of dollars recovering after a disaster.

2. Condo Insurance Pays for Lodging While Your Condo Is Being Repaired

If your condo is so damaged that you can’t live in it while the repairs are taking place, you may need to stay in a hotel or a rental home until your condo is safe and livable again. If you didn’t have condo insurance, you would have to pay for the hotel or rental out of pocket. However, a condo insurance policy can help with these costs, potentially saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars.

3. You’ll Enjoy Peace of Mind

With condo insurance, you’ll enjoy peace of mind with the knowledge that you probably won’t have to pay the total cost to repair or replace your belongings and condo if a covered event occurs. This is why many customers come to Wichalonis Insurance Agency, serving Cumming, GA. Call today to find out more about getting condo insurance. 

Do I need Collision Insurance?

You may need collision coverage if you have an expensive vehicle or drive a car you care about deeply. Many older vehicles maintain their value, and some become classic cars. Additionally, if you lease or finance your vehicle, the rental company or financial institution will probably require you to carry collision coverage.

You can protect your wheels better with a comprehensive auto insurance plan that includes collision. Talk to the team at Wichalonis Insurance Agency in Cumming, GA to get started.

What’s Collision Insurance?

Collision insurance will pay to repair or replace your car following an accident with another vehicle or object. Although collision insurance is optional according to state law, carrying this coverage is a good idea. Besides being required by many lending and leasing companies, it gives you extra protection following an accident.

The benefits of collision insurance include reimbursement for the cost of repairs or replacement of your vehicle if it’s totaled. You can avoid taking a financial hit if your car is vandalized or stolen. If you cause an accident, collision insurance may help you pay for damages that exceed your liability insurance.

Although every policy differs, you can often customize your collision insurance to meet your needs.

Collision vs. Comprehensive Insurance

Many people confuse collision and comprehensive insurance. Comprehensive insurance covers non-collision accidents resulting in damage to your vehicle. This may include storm damage or running into a deer or another animal. Both are voluntary coverage types that further protect your vehicle.

Should You Get Collision Insurance?

Even though state law doesn’t require collision insurance, there are many cases when it makes sense to get it. As mentioned, if you lease a car or still make a car payment, you may need collision insurance to meet the requirements of your leasing or purchase agreement. Further, collision insurance can help you pay for damage to your vehicle even if you cause an accident. Contact the team at Wichalonis Insurance Agency in Cumming, GA to schedule an appointment for a free quote!


Reasons Why I May Be Denied Life Insurance

Most people are blindsided when they learn they have been denied a life insurance policy. However, underwriters have guidelines they follow when determining whether to issue a policy. Wichalonis Insurance Agency, serving Cumming, GA, can help you find a life insurance policy to meet your needs.

Your Health Isn’t Good

Insurers view chronic health conditions as a risk. Obesity is an epidemic worldwide, often leading to other health problems, making it a prime reason for denial. Other hazards include high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and a previous history of cancer. Chronic diseases, such as HIV, heart disease, asthma, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s, can also lead to denial. If your urine test indicated blood or protein, you may have undiagnosed kidney disease. Age is also a factor, as many people develop problems as they age.

Your Lifestyle May Be a Reason

Many companies require a blood test along with a physical. Insurers will assess your blood for alcohol consumption. If it’s much higher than normal, they will deny a policy. Lifestyle can also include your occupation. These are deemed high risk:

  • Airline pilots
  • Loggers
  • Refuse and recyclable collectors
  • Roofers
  • Fishers and related workers
  • Structural steel and ironworkers
  • Truck Drivers
  • Farmers and ranchers
  • Construction workers
  • Electricians
  • Police

Other Reasons for Denial

Some denials may not make much sense to the average person, yet insurance providers have their reasons. You can also be denied if you make little money. When you apply, your current income and net worth will dictate how much coverage you can get. However, some companies place internal restrictions on applicants as a cost-saving mechanism.

Even if you have had a previous life insurance denial in Cumming, GA, Wichalonis Insurance Agency can help. Contact our office today to get started on your life insurance quote.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Our agents at the Wichalonis Insurance Agency, serving the Cumming, GA area, know how much time, hard work, and money you have put into your Georgia home, which is the reason we want to ensure that you have the proper amount of home insurance in place to protect it.

Most mortgage companies will require you to have home insurance until you pay off your loan, but you must have a good home insurance policy in place at all times to protect your property in your home, too.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Home insurance policies will normally cover your house’s structure and the contents inside. The contents include your personal belongings, household items, electronics, furniture, appliances, and more. If you want other structures on your property, such as detached garages, sheds, privacy fencing, and other structures, to be covered under your home insurance policy, you can request that to be part of your policy. Our agents at the Wichalonis Insurance Agency serving the Cumming, GA area will work with you to ensure your policy fits your particular situation.   

Home insurance is a policy created to help you repair or rebuild your house if it is damaged or destroyed by some horrible weather event, such as a tornado or hurricane, an act of vandalism, or even a fire. It can also help you out if your home is burglarized and items are stolen.

A home insurance policy will also be useful if a visitor to your home is injured. It can help pay their medical bills and even take time off of work if necessary.

Get Your Policy Started Today

Call our agents at the Wichalonis Insurance Agency serving the Cumming, GA, area today to get your home insurance policy started and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with it!

Will renters insurance cover my roommates belongings?

As a renter, you have personal belongings that have both actual and sentimental value. Renter insurance, like homeowners’ insurance, protects your belongings. It’s safe to say that renters’ insurance is a renter’s form of homeowners insurance. Your items are protected if stolen or damaged by a covered incident. Our team at Wichalonis Insurance Agency is committed to helping Cumming, GA renters understand renters insurance.

What is renters insurance?

Renters’ or tenants’ insurance is designed to cover your personal belongings while you rent. However, renter insurance doesn’t cover the dwelling or structure of the rented space, just your belongings. However, like any form of insurance, anything that happens to your belongings must be a covered incident for your renter’s insurance to pay for the repair or replacement of your items. Renters’ insurance may sometimes cover small changes or alterations made to a rented space. Renters insurance also pays for any items stolen from your car as well. 

Will renters insurance cover my roommate’s belongings?

No. Unless your roommate is on your renter’s insurance policy, her items aren’t protected by your insurance policy. Although you share the same rented space, only your items are insured. Your roommate will need to get her own policy or perhaps put it on your policy for their personal belongings to be covered. It should also be noted that renters’ insurance will not cover personal items you accidentally break or that break due to poor quality. Call us if you have questions about renters insurance and what’s covered. We’d be happy to answer your questions and explore your options. 

What is full-timer’s insurance?

Instead of using it for short vacations, you need a full-timer’s policy when you reside in your motorhome. This enhanced coverage from Wichalonis Insurance Agency provides more liability coverage and increases personal property coverage. But, you also need to upgrade to full-timer’s insurance if you travel six months or more per year in your motorhome.

What does full-timer’s insurance do?

A full-time RV insurance policy provides comprehensive coverage with an increased liability component. The full-time policy covers the motorhome, personal property, and liability coverage. Whether you cause an accident or someone else does, your policy protects your finances by covering the repairs. Whether driving on the road or parked and plugged into a hookup in Cumming, GA, your full-time motorhome coverage offers financial protection.

Why does this policy offer enhanced liability coverage?

When you travel frequently in your motorhome or reside in it, you tend to entertain guests in it. The liability component increases to protect you better on the road and when parked to enjoy the view.

Ask About Loss of Use Coverage

Many motorhome policies let you add loss of use coverage. Ask us about adding this to your full-timer’s policy, so if your motorhome does undergo damage, your insurance pays for your hotel while it gets repaired.

Contact Wichalonis Insurance Agency Today

Let Wichalonis Insurance Agency help you design a full-timer’s policy that protects your motorhome comprehensively. We serve the Cumming, GA, area with the insurance residents need to protect their financial security. Call or email us today to build your ideal full-timer’s motorhome policy or add coverage to your existing policy.

Do I Need Full-Year RV Coverage in Cumming, GA?

The short answer is yes. At Wichalonis Insurance Agency, we understand the unique needs of RV owners and are here to help you make an informed decision when insuring your recreational vehicle. Consider full-year RV coverage in Cumming, GA, especially if you want to protect your investment and have peace of mind throughout the year.

Why Full-Year RV Coverage Matters

While it’s true that many RV owners only use their vehicles for a few months out of the year, there are still risks involved during the off-season. Theft, vandalism, and weather-related damage can occur, regardless of whether your RV is on the road or parked in storage. With full-year coverage, you don’t have to worry.

Comprehensive Protection for Your RV

Full-year RV coverage typically includes comprehensive and collision insurance, which covers damages caused by theft, fire, vandalism, and other non-collision events. It also covers damages resulting from a collision with another vehicle or object. This level of protection ensures that you have coverage for any incidents that may occur while your RV is in use or stored away.

Customizing Your RV Coverage

When deciding on the right coverage for your RV, consider factors such as the value of your RV, how often you use it, and where you store it during the off-season. By considering these factors, we can help you tailor a policy that provides the right amount of protection without breaking the bank.

Contact Wichalonis Insurance Agency for Expert Help

If you’re an RV owner in Cumming, GA, and are considering full-year RV coverage, let Wichalonis Insurance Agency help you make the best decision for your needs. Our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you through the process and provide personalized solutions for your recreational vehicle insurance.

What comes with a commercial insurance plan in Georgia?

For those that live in the Cumming, GA area, building a business and being an entrepreneur can be a great idea. As you are looking to build a business here, having a proper insurance plan in place is also a good idea, as it can help cover your organization. Various forms of insurance come with a full commercial insurance plan. 

Liability Risk Mitigation

One type of coverage you can have with a commercial insurance plan is liability insurance. When you operate any business, there is a chance a customer could get sick or injured as a result of your business. If this happens, you can make liability claims. When you have a commercial insurance plan, it will offer liability coverage that will ensure your business is protected and the risk is minimized. 

Protect Business Assets

Getting a commercial insurance plan to protect your business assets is also important. When you are going to start and build a business, you will need to have assets in place that will be used to run and build your business. If you have a full commercial insurance plan in place, it will protect these assets. This can ensure you can repair or replace these assets if you incur a covered loss.

It is always a good idea to have a full commercial insurance plan in place for your Cumming, GA business. When you are looking to build a business here and want to evaluate your insurance needs, it would be a good idea to call our team with the Wichalonis Insurance Agency. There are many options to consider, and our professionals with the Wichalonis Insurance Agency will give you the guidance you need to create your next plan.